Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Yay!  Official comic!  This is the first one.  We don't yet have the others ready, but BA-HA!  Who needs regular updating of a storyline?  We're still working out the everything, so yeah, we know that the comic isn't full-size and we're still working with lighting and I'm not using commas and stop judging me!  Well, enjoy the comic.  We'll be back soon.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Well, we still aren't quite ready to start uploading comics, but here's one that we used to test how effective changing the contrast is in making it easier to read.  We think we'll just re-ink them instead.  More work, but better quality.  We fail as lazy people.

Oh, and for now, we'll try and update every Monday with some type of picture, whether we're ready for full comic uploading or not.  And when we finally do start the comic, the pictures will be bigger.  Yes.  Bye!

Monday, October 22, 2012

F1rst P0st!!!11!!!!

Welcome to our fantastic webcomic, The Adventures of Bobby Joe and Joey Bob!  We don't have any comics uploaded yet, but we figured that we'd make this site just to show that we've accomplished something.  Don't worry, there are a billion and two sketchbooks full of hilarity waiting to be re-inked, scanned, approved by the ultimate Cartoon Judge Monster (all hail and please don't eat me!), and then uploaded.  Keep coming back, we'll have funny stuff up here soon, we promise.  Plus, every visit adds awesomeness to your day.  Until next time!  *flies away with majestic war cry of "wheeeeeee!"*